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Multiple approaches to career development


​Multiple approaches to career development

Career development does not only increase the probability for success, but also a means to enhance oneself to work effectively, which will be useful for both an employee and the organization. If you wish to become successful in your career as you have always wished, you should have a good career development plan and understanding of the development steps and procedures as well as methods for practicing the skills required for your career to ensure that you will be able to do your job most effectively.

There are three important components of career developments, namely (1) process, (2) development, and (3) progress. There are two methods for career development.

The first one is career development by an individual, which means that the individual evaluates his/her own expertise and interest, seeks opportunities and sets his career goals, and tries to find a chance to participate in activities to improve his career, such as those organized by the government’s skill development centers, or he may attend appropriate training courses held by various private companies that he is interested in.

The second one is career development by an organization through “personnel training and development” activities to enhance competency and knowledge of personnel in the organization. Common things that the organization usually does to contribute to its employees’ career development include (1) realistic job preview; (2) preparation of career path; (3) challenging assignment; (4) job rotation; (5) performance feedback; (6) career consulting; and (7) career development workshop. Career development by an individual is definitely different from that by an organization.

That is to say in career development by an individual does not primarily considers professional progress, but the development is mainly resulted by such individual’s desire. However, in case of career development by an organization, the organization will plan personnel’s career development mainly to meet the organization’s goals.

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