almost 5 years ago -

Skills required for doing your job


​Skills required for doing your job

1. Communication & Relation skills: When working with other people, communication and relation skills are very important in building a good relationship to win love, respect, loyalty, and cooperation. These two skills serve as mechanisms to reduce conflicts and improve coordination and communication with other departments, which will eventually lead to success.

2. Problem solving skills: Problem-solving in an essential skill required for working and management because you cannot avoid problems and situations no matter what position you are in. Thus, an ability to deal with problems in an organized manner without causing further stress, either to the body or mind, is very necessary to prevent the problems from getting worse or expanding beyond correction. Certain rules and methods are required to solve problems. You need to identify the causes of problems, set the goal for correction of the problems, analyze and evaluate the problem-solving results, and prevent the same problems from recurrence.

3. Organizing and planning skills: Carrying out a task without a good plan is an important cause of failure to accomplish the objectives. Thus, if employees have planning skills, they will have a better chance of success because the plan is the best and most appropriate alternative you have to achieve your goal. For example, use of a long-term plan for worker skill development will result in addition of quality and value to products.

4. Technology and computer skills: Due to new patterns of work and advancement in communication, technology and computers have played an important role in determining the needs of labor market. Most employers require technology and computer skills as basic qualifications of the new employees they are looking for because the employees with technology and computer skills will be able to work faster and more effectively.

5. Linguistic skills: Today, every organization requires more communication and coordination; thus, linguistic skills have a more crucial role, especially English. Employees who can communicate in foreign languages will have great advantages today because there are more investors from other countries and domestic entities have more transactions with foreigners. Many organizations value the employees with linguistic skills.