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ข่าว | แมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ประเทศไทย

บริษัท แมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ผู้นำระดับโลกด้านการจัดหาบุคลากรและที่ปรึกษาด้านแรงงาน นำเสนอบริการสิ่งต่างๆ ซึ่งช่วยให้ลูกค้าได้รับความสำเร็จในโลกของการทำงานที่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลงอยู่เสมอ  ปัจจุบันแมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ปมีจำนวน 80 ประเทศทั่วโลก

ManpowerGroup Thailand reveals the latest perspective on EEC job market during COVID-19 pandemic which has huge labour needs. In addition, entrepreneurs are advised to fine-tune their organizations to be more flexible and implement relevant technologies to support their operations. Workers should focus on upskilling and reskilling to accommodate changing work styles. All sections are recommended to be prepared as we progress towards economic recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Simon Matthews, Regional Manager in Thailand, Middle East, and Vietnam, ManpowerGroup - which is the leading innovative labour consultant in more than 80 countries worldwide and in Thailand stated that the overall situation of labour market in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) reflects the continuous need of personnel, especially in the Automobile, Electronic, Consumer products and Digital industry, that have many competitive business factors in the market. This is because of the continuous advancement of new technology and products which stimulate the consumer market of the future, leading to the continuous need of related personnel. More short-term employment needs will also be preferred.

The labour groups with multiple skill sets are in high demand, Previously, employment plans determined the clear job descriptions of all positions. However, the current workers are required to be multi-skilled which will be an added advantage during the selection process. In addition, workers with niche expertise in these fields tend to be more successful as they are ready to work on complex projects and help employers by quickly onboarding into the new roles. These are some of the qualifications mainly expected by employers now-a-days. EEC labour market also tends to require more Thai workers because of the limitation of foreign worker traveling and restrictions during the pandemic.

However, based on the Social Mobility Index (2020), the survey that was conducted on EEC’s needs of labour for the next 5 years, it was found that more than 470,000 positions would require workers, reflecting high opportunities of work in Thailand, which is ranked 14th out of 82 countries. The first 3 ranks include 1. Digital industry which requires 116,222 positions, 2. Logistics which requires 109,910 positions, and 3. Smart electronics which require 58,228 positions. However, a post-COVID-19 survey also suggested that, in the next 5 years, the needs of personnel would decrease for 1. Aviation industry which decreases by 40%, 2. Automobile industry which decreases by 20%, and 3. Digital industry which decreases by 10-20%. The result suggests that, although the needs of labour in some industries may reduce, the demand in manufacturing sector remains steady, thanks to the business plans that supports new technologies, leading to the launch of new products to the current and future market demands. For example, the automobile industry is moving fast to the age of “electric vehicle” leaving behind fuel-powered vehicle.

Miss Suthida Kanjanakantikul, Marketing Manager, ManpowerGroup Thailand, mentioned that during the COVID-19 situation, both entrepreneurs and workers are required to adjust themselves to the changing direction in EEC area. Suggestions to entrepreneurs for dealing with the change is that they should establish short-term solutions (Resolve) to prevent and address current COVID-19 problems promptly. Then, there should be the corporate plans to enhance resilience such as financial management, business restructuring, and outsourcing. With this, we can also expect reduction of foreign investment in advanced technologies related innovative products amidst the increasing needs of healthcare products, since the local entrepreneurs will be upgrading the factories with their own local tools.

Suggestions to the labour sector: Focus on essential industry skills like latest digital skills that align with the direction of industrial sectors. For adjustment of workers during COVID-19 situation for the industrial sector in EEC, Thai workers must motivate themselves by adjusting mindset for lifelong learning, to guarantee stable jobs and better income.

ManpowerGroup Thailand is conducting projects in collaboration with education and industry sectors to develop labour skills according to the future industrial groups that need potential workers with required skills. This derives from the challenges in educational sector which failed to produce sufficient personnel to the industrial sectors in the past. The personnel lacked readiness and skills required by employers. Nowadays, however, such problems are minimal, because of collaboration between educational sector, industrial sector, and the labour market. ManpowerGroup Thailand recently conducted a project together with the industrial and educational sector in dispatching students to work with entrepreneurs including practical and real time training sessions. Projects like this can be good opportunities for gaining good work experience. Upon graduation, entrepreneurs can accept these students to work with them, which helps reduce the training period and address labour shortage issues.

To upgrade and improve the skills of Thai labour, advance trainings should be conducted, to support the target industries. This includes basic to advanced level of education to develop their personnel and to be able to work together with latest technologies required by the entrepreneurs. These trainings will also help in national development and boost industrial economy. The support of government is also important to develop and foster latest labour requirements.

In addition, as mentioned in a recent 2020 World Economic Forum (WEF) report, only 54.9% of Thai labour have digital knowledge and the weakness is “the lack of readiness to adjust themselves to the future technological world”. Therefore, education, training, and attitude toward the future of work is important for promoting Thai labour, as well as bridging the gap for digital skills. Furthermore, startup business being able to work with large companies in EEC is necessary to create development of knowledge and understanding of industry, as well as development of new products and services to the global market. Innovative employment at EEC may effectively help address the labour shortage. This will help industries to obtain modern technology in their work process and improve operations. Therefore, to manage EEC labour effectively, the most important factor is to develop knowledge and improve skills, especially digital skills of Thai labour to support the future trends of manufacturing and work. Lastly, ManpowerGroup Thailand has prepared to deliver services and recruit skilled personnel for business and industrial sectors by providing training to improve labour skills and knowledge, as well as selecting personnel who are ready to perform their work under all kinds of employment. At the same time, we emphasize the application of strict measurements during COVID-19 pandemic and follow the guidelines for pandemic control before acceptance of employees for work, recruitment process, performance at the worksite, including preventive measures and responses. This will help to ensure the safety of the personnel, production process and continuity of the work process as planned. We believe that we can survive this situation by this understanding and collaboration from all sectors, including government, entrepreneurs, and labour in helping with economic recovery in the near future.

Credit : TNN 16


เกี่ยวกับแมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ประเทศไทย

แมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ผู้นำระดับโลกในการจัดหาแรงงานเชิงนวัตกรรม นำเสนอบริการด้านต่างๆ แก่ผู้ประกอบการในส่วนของกระบวนการจ้างงานและการทำธุรกิจครบวงจร รวมทั้งการสรรหาว่าจ้างพนักงานประจำ พนักงานชั่วคราว และพนักงานแบบมีสัญญาจ้าง, การประเมินผลและการคัดเลือกพนักงาน, การฝึกอบรม, การช่วยหางานใหม่ (Outplacement), การรับเหมาจ้างงาน(Outsourcing) และการให้คำปรึกษา แมนพาวเวอร์ช่วยให้บริษัทสามารถตอบสนองความต้องการของผู้ประกอบการกว่า 400,000 รายต่อปี ซึ่งประกอบด้วยบริษัทขนาดย่อมและขนาดกลางในทุกประเภทธุรกิจ รวมทั้งบริษัทระหว่างประเทศรายใหญ่ที่สุด 


แมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ประเทศไทยข่าว | แมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ประเทศไทย

บริษัท แมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ป ผู้นำระดับโลกด้านการจัดหาบุคลากรและที่ปรึกษาด้านแรงงาน นำเสนอบริการสิ่งต่างๆ ซึ่งช่วยให้ลูกค้าได้รับความสำเร็จในโลกของการทำงานที่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลงอยู่เสมอ  ปัจจุบันแมนพาวเวอร์กรุ๊ปมีจำนวน 80 ประเทศทั่วโลก

โทร. 02-171-2345

อีเมล : [email protected]
