Write an eye-catching resume
Here are the characteristics that good resumes should have:
Brief and concise: Good resume should not consist of long paragraphs. You need to include only necessary and useful information. It is also good to keep your resume content within one A4 paper size page.
Easy to read: Another important factor in resume is the language used. A good resume should be easy to read and understand. You should choose words to highlight your skills and pass accomplishments.
Emphasize on your accomplishments: The key here is to not be vague. Write on the accomplishments that can be proven like “Able to increased sales volume by 25% form last year”. Please keep in mind that you should only out the truth in your resume. This is because a lie can be caught easily during the interview. Or if your lie is caught after you get the job, you might get fired.
Organized: A resume is your first impression to your future employer. Therefore, an interesting resume is not only judged by the words that you compose in to it, but also the way that those words are presented.
o Always check the spelling and grammar in your resume. It is the things that reflect your communication skills, carefulness, and attentive to details.
o Keep the page tidy. Don’t leave uneven paragraphs lying around on the page.
o Avoid using fancy words and jargons. If you want to make a photo copy of your resume, be sure to keep it stain free. Ink stained pages imply poor working habits.
Cut off the waste: Leave personal information such as height, body shape, hobbies, or your marital status out. These things do not interest employers. You might want to leave the phrase “References available upon request out to save space for more valuable information like you experience. If the company really wants to your references information, they would surely ask for it later.
Tag: Write an eye-catching resume , สมัครงาน, บริษัทจัดหางาน, Recruitment, Recruitment Agency