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How to conduct an effective coaching


​How to conduct an effective coaching

Coaching is a useful way of developing people's skills and abilities, and of boosting performance. Coaching is not just about telling a person how to do his job, but it also includes giving assistance, advices, willpower, and opportunity to do things better. Some qualifications that a good coach should have are being able to accept reality, empathy, optimism, giving other person an opportunity, self-confidence, taking responsibility for his actions, and having a vision. A coach should not be distrustful, annoyed, self-willed, arrogant, hot-tempered, unconfident, hurried, have bad intentions, or like to compare. Effective coaching comprises four major steps:

(1) compliment, (2) question, (3) correct, and (4) demonstrate.

To compliment is to build a good relationship between the coach and the coachee (person being coached) to make both of them trust each other and feel comfortable to work together. The coach may use several techniques that suit the coachee. It is also important for the coach to have basic information of the coachee, such as strengths, outstanding works, preferences, personality, weaknesses, and room for improvement. Such information should be recorded in an organized manner and used as a guideline for building a good relationship, such as praising the coachee or building a good environment, to link to the next step.

Questions used should focus on asking for opinions and not make the coachee feel discouraged or uncomfortable to answer. The coach should use the questions that are most suitable for the coachee; for example, what do you think I can help you with? Everything has advantages and limitations, what do you think are advantages and limitations of this method? To correct means to recommend the solutions. At this step, the coach should give importance to the previous step by analyzing the answers given by the coachee, identifying room for improvement, and suggesting corrective actions. This should be done as an exchange of opinions and knowledge sharing. At this step, the role to be taken on each matter should be made clear. To demonstrate means to put into practice the recommendations or guideline developed during the correction step with the coach closely giving suggestions. Sometimes, the coach may have to demonstrate or show how to achieve the goals.

The coachee’s ability to succeed depends greatly on expertise of the coach and that the coachee has to accept the coach’s advices, which should be suitable for each coachee. It does not matter if the coaching is conducted for an individual or a small group of coaches, the coach has to understand the contents and the coachees. There is a proverb that says “there is no poverty among diligent people.” It is very famous among many workers to cheer themselves up or their colleagues and people around them. Absolutely, diligence will keep you safe from starving, especially during the old days during which people did not need so much knowledge or education since they could find crabs, fishes, and vegetables in the abundant nature.

However, in the present day, things have changed and we are now in the new age with competitive technologies and human resources. Thus, the proverb “there is no poverty among diligent people” may not apply to certain situations, but you have to think about appropriateness in terms of time and place. It can be seen that today many people in their working age are very diligent and committed to their organizations, but they are not considered successful at all. Absolutely, everyone wants to have a good career, be successful, and grow up with the organization he works for. There is one technique that everyone can use to become successful at work. This technique consists of six elements and is called “IMPALE”. “I” stands for improve, meaning to improve oneself and try to regularly review their weaknesses, defects, and strengths, either in terms of personality, behavior, or working methods. If you are already good at something, make it even better. If you have any weaknesses, try to fix them and work harder. A person in a working age should be an explorer or have a heart that looks for improvement all the times. For the second element, “M” stands for multiple skills.

Nowadays, every organization or company is looking for employees with multiple skills to make the organization or company better. Employees with multiple skills usually would not refuse or avoid the assignments because they will try to improve themselves constantly. Mostly, they will not refuse to learn new things and act as a glass that is not full so they are ready to listen to opinions and make improvements all the times. “P” stands for patience. A key to success at work is patience or to be able to tolerate hard situations at work, such as difficult assignments of undesired behavior of supervisor or colleagues. Many people cannot stand on insults or humiliation and decide to resign from work immediately. They don’t realize that it can be a poison that will only hurt them, preventing them from getting a new job because it makes their resume look bad. They are unable to handle stressful situations at workplace. You need to be as much patient as possible and you will be able to face and deal with any problems successfully. “A” stands for attraction.

An employee, who is active, enjoys learning new things, and tries to do the same things in different ways over and over again, tends to be able to absorb new knowledge from books, people around them, and the internet and apply such knowledge to their job successfully. This kind of employee usually attracts his supervisor and team to see his potentials. A person with attraction skill can work in a team and on his own independently without any problems. Most people with attraction skill are active, enjoy trying new things, and come to workplace early or on time. People without attraction skill usually do not look forward to working days. At workplace, they will just sit there and wait for the time to go home or weekends to come.

They are inactive and not interested in any news or information. This kind of people will rarely be successful at work. “L” stands for love, which is to love your job. You cannot make your job loves you, but you can love the job that you do. You should keep thinking how valuable your job is to you and what it has offered you. It is important that you love what you are doing because love is a key to every success. If you love what you do, you will be happy doing it. If you love your job or even your organization, you will be happy with your job and you will try everything and at any time to add value to what you are doing. From there, you will be able to plan your life and set the goals for your job. If you cannot love the job you are doing, all that waits for you are only boredom and discouragement and you will end up leaving it and looking for new thing that you hope to love over and over.

This will make it impossible for you to become successful because you will have to keep looking for a new beginning. “E” stands for excellent management. A person with excellent management skill will be successful both with family and work because he knows how to plan their life and is able to work step by step, deal effectively with risks, and find measures to prevent such risks. Moreover, he knows how to turn a crisis into an opportunity because everything has been planned and managed in an organized manner. Thus, putting an idea into practice is very easy and without confusion or disorder. You can also save up both time and resources. You can try to observe yourself to see if it is easy for you to do something or there is only confusion that you don’t know how to start at all. That means it may be the time for you to improve your management skills.

Apart from their age and qualifications, people in their working age should use other skills to improve and manage their work to become successful. Such skills can be earned through observation, learning, study, research, and application of “IMPALE” technique, consisting of ‘Improve, Multiple Skills, Patience, Attraction, Love, Excellent Management.” This technique will enable you to improve yourself both at workplace and in your daily life. You can be successful at work in whatever position that you are doing.

How to conduct en effective coachin , สมัครงาน, บริษัทจัดหางานRecruitment, Recruitment Agency,